7 Habits Of Highly Successful People

Being successful is something all entrepreneurs hope to be in their journey. We show up, we show out, and we hustle hard. But not everyone is doing the same things which is why some become successful during their journey and others end up throwing in the towel. I don’t want you throwing in the towel because ALL mommas should be successful if that’s their wish. Let’s talk about the 7 Habits of Highly Successful People and take your business to the next level.
-Starting out-
I know when I first started, I was constantly wondering what I “should” be doing in order to speed up my success. It took me a long time to realize that there were simple habits if done on the daily, that were the keys to being successful. It really isn’t a matter of “should be doing” it’s more of a matter of healthy habits to reach your goals. Rather than boring you, let’s just dive into the habits you NEED to incorporate into your life and business.
Habit #1 - Successful People are CONSTANTLY Learning
You can’t better yourself if you’re constantly repeating the same tasks over and over again without change. You will want to grow and adapt to the changing times. Successful people read daily, take courses, attend seminars, and collaborate with other successful people, among other things. Reading daily is a very important thing to note. This doesn’t mean they are sitting down and reading an entire book every single day or reading mass amounts of chapters in one sitting.
Successful entrepreneurs set specific reading goals for each day. Some have a goal to reach 10 pages every day, some read 1-2 chapters a day, and some read more. But each day there is a goal to read in order to grow and expand their mindset. Successful people are also learning from others who are where they want to be in their own business. They attend seminars, in-person events, take courses, 1:1 coaching, etc. In order to constantly learn.
Habit #2- They Invest In Themselves
Those who have “made it”, can not ask you, their followers, to do something they themself are not willing to do. This means investing in themselves and their entrepreneurial journey. Successful people hire mentors to help them grow and become better in their field. They put money into their business ventures. Money is spent on outsourcing tasks that will then free up their time for other growth approaches.
This really goes hand in hand with habit #1 because constantly learning to be better means there is some level of investment that occurs. Again, this can mean books, courses, 1:1 mentorship, and more.
So this means we are continually investing in programs, courses, memberships, or masterminds in order to consistently evolve and grow in our expertise.
Habit #3 - Scheduling is Crucial for Organizational Success
Successful people schedule everything in their weeks and months so that things are not forgotten. When a task or an event arises it is immediately scheduled. This helps keep them on task, prompts them for events, and allows them to see what they have each and every week. Being able to see an outline of your tasks and events can keep you motivated to take that next step in your business.
Habit #4- Health Is a Priority
This is one of the most overlooked pieces of the success puzzle for many. BUT it should be made a priority for various reasons. When you make your health a priority you, overall, feel better physically and mentally.
Health priorities mean things like:
-Drinking plenty of water
-Prioritizing sleep
Now, you’re a mom, you don’t have HOURS to go to a gym or maybe the money for a sitter or a gym membership. You don’t need anything strenuous or over the top in order to maintain your health. You simply need to move your body four to five days a week for twenty to thirty minutes. This could mean a brisk walk, yoga, a youtube workout, etc.
Again, nothing strenuous or overly time-consuming. Just adding in these few habits can provide mental clarity and physically feeling better about yourself. When you feel better about yourself you feel confident. Confidence is contagious and people WANT to work with you!
Habit #5- Outsourcing Tasks
This is something highly successful people do OFTEN. Now, you might be reading this and saying “I can’t afford to outsource” and maybe you’re rolling your eyes. I’m here to tell you, there are things you simply are NOT suited to do in your business and it takes you more time than is valuable for your business time. That being said, if outsourcing isn’t financially possible at this current moment set a goal to MAKE it happen.
I ran my business for almost 3 solid years without any help. I didn’t outsource my content scheduling, I didn’t have a VA to help with launch prep, and I didn’t have a sitter for the kiddo (not even a family member). I get it, outsourcing can be hard to do and seems terribly scary. It wasn’t even until 3 years ago that we FINALLY hired a nanny. She would come three times a week for three hours each day. She would play with the kiddo so I can get dedicated work time for my own business tasks. I miss having her around now that we’ve moved way out of town.
I have major trust issues with people so this was honestly the very last thing I outsourced. That being said it was AMAZING to have the extra hands when our kiddo was smaller. I was so much more productive when she was with us because I was not emotionally torn between getting my work done and giving my kiddo the 1:1 attention he needed and wanted.
Having the time to perform the GROWTH tasks necessary for your business is essential. For you that might mean handing off blog scheduling, tailwind scheduling, email scheduling, social media scheduling, image creation, etc. If you can’t do this right now, make a plan to start outsourcing one small task at a time. There are people out there who are happy to help no matter how big or small the task.
Habit #6- Successful People Show up CONSISTENTLY and They Show Up As Themselves
There are going to be days where the feeling of:
“I don’t wanna”
“I don’t think this is working”
“Is anyone listening”
“No one’s listing why bother”
But even when those feelings of doubt creep in you still must show up. The negative feelings eventually pass. But if there are large gaps where you didn’t show up when you were in a negative headspace you’ve missed opportunities for growth.
We, entrepreneurs, have an obligation to our followers, no matter how few or many, to show up and provide information and value. When you show up consistently you are seen, heard, and people respect you and your work. They then want to work with you because you show up for them!
Habit #7 - Successful People are Laser Focused
This relates to the scheduling of their tasks and events. Successful people stay focused on their tasks and they stick to their deadlines. They will map out their goals, daily tasks, monthly tasks, and what will be outsourced. They then dive in, and head first to their activities without messing around and wasting time. Being persistent and consistent wins out every time.
Successful people are no different from any one of us. They simply choose to create habits that move them forward every single day without fail!
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