Be Brave Take a Leap

Have you ever heard the saying "Life Begins At The End Of Your Comfort Zone”?
Well, there is nothing more true about that statement. You will never get anywhere, do anything, or achieve anything unless you take a LEAP of faith, reach beyond your comfort zone, and try something new!
Yes, I’m primarily talking about business, but this theory applies to everything in your life. If you want a new job you have to go find one or ask for that promotion you know you deserve, if you wanna get the girl to go on a date with you you gotta ask her, want to travel the world you might need to pinch pennies and save in order to make it happen but you CAN do it if you truly want!
As an entrepreneur we get very excited when we realize we can be our own bosses, we can create our own schedules, and we can make an unlimited amount of income. But the thing is, none of that truly happens if we just “go through the motions”. Our business can only succeed if we put the hustle behind it, write the stuff people WANT/NEED to hear, share the vulnerable parts of ourselves, tell the “overcoming obstacles” stories, and make new connections (yes I mean talking to new people. Some or all of these things may terrify you and that's GOOD. It means you’re on the right track.
Haven’t started your own business yet because you’re scared you will fail? That’s what can drive you to success. You can channel that fear into productive energy with the right direction.
If you’ve ever felt like you needed the direction or the “tools” to start your own business check out my free 7-Day Build Your Online Business Now Course