Finding Time As A Mompreneur

Hey mompreneur, you're BUSY. Like not the 20-year-old version of you who thought going to class and having a part-time job and a social life busy. Like REALLY have no idea what you did or how you managed to get anything done today busy.
Our kiddos, who are so precious to look at while their sleeping, holding our hands, and cuddling cause quite a time crunch to our daily schedules. So HOW do you start a business when you already have ZERO time during your day? Well, the answer isn't one you're going to like.
I know you must hear that all the time and it's SOOOOO annoying. Almost as annoying as “sleep when the baby sleeps” uhhhh RIIIIGGGHTT.
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Now let me first say I am NOT a morning person. My ideal wake-up time is around 9 am and honestly, if I got my day going around 11 I’d be pleased as punch. However I am a stay-at-home mom who runs a business, homeschools my kiddo, runs the errands, makes most of the meals, sets the appointments, attends copious amounts of church meetings and events, runs my kiddo to homeschool events with his friends, and so much more.. waking up at 9 and starting my day at 11 simply isn't an option for me. There are days where I have to sacrifice my desire to sleep in for some focused work time.
Instead, I set up systems that help manage it all. At the beginning of each day, I know exactly what I need to accomplish in my designated time frame so that when I sit down to work I'm not spending half the time figuring out what I should be doing. Each night before I go to bed I take 5-10 minutes to write out my to-do’s for the next day. I also star those items that are the absolute priorities. Since I am a mom there are realistic situations where I might not get to my entire to-do list. Maybe the kiddo didn't simply do his school work and caused a kiddo-sized ruckus, maybe an event ran longer because the kids were having a blast, maybe we have an appointment that popped up that wasn’t planned, maybe we had to take an unplanned trip somewhere. You name it, it has happened. But when I star the items on my to-do list I know that those are non-negotiable for the day; even if that means I need to stay up and get a little work done after the kiddo goes to bed.
Another thing I use to do that helped keep me focused was, once a month, I sat down and wrote out my entire social media needs for the entire month. I would plan what days I would post in what groups, pages, run promotions, promote my group/biz page, what content I would be sharing, etc. I would do the same with my blog topics for the month so I’m not staring at a blank page when it's time to write. This process has evolved as my business grew, but the process is an absolute lifesaver!
One final thing I would do to help make my business happen and not lose my sanity as an already overstretched thin mompreneur is to schedule out my content. For me, and most people I know, if we get on social media even if for a split second we can get SUCKED IN! I mean… TikTok am I right! Totally a thing and you know it ;-) So I know I need to be present on social media since my business is online, but I simply can't be on social media every day… Im a busy mom. Once I batch create my content I get it scheduled out as long as I can so that on the days that I DON’T want to be social, I know that I am 100% present!
Mom life is a busy life BUT we CAN have the mom life and the life of a mompreneur it just takes some scheduling. I know you're already a pro at that ;-)