Get Into Your Work Groove

Can I just say that before I figured out my “groove” I was ALL over the place with what I was doing. I mean really, my first year or so in business I was a train wreck. Do you know what I mean? When you sit down to “work” but struggle to actually work.
I’d map out work time in my mind, sit down at my laptop with my notebook and pen, and almost instantly I’d realize I had to go to the bathroom, or I needed to switch the laundry, or I could see the playroom and it was a mess, or … you name it I just KNEW it needed doing right then and there.
It took me a bit of time but I finally figured out what needed to happen in order to make work happen efficiently as well as get myself into the right frame of mind to accomplish what I needed to do.
While I don’t agree with everything in the book, my biz bestie and I were reading The Miracle Morning many years ago I did take quite a bit away from the book. The basis of the book is about creating a morning ritual in order to create success. Elrod suggests you knock out the most important things in the morning so that when you sit down to work you can simply work.
Now I am NOT a morning person. I DO get up early, but please don’t talk to me for a few hours because I’m a troll that lives under a bridge before coffee and quiet time. However, I did take quite a bit away from the book.
Before I even dive into work I do a few things to help make sure I can focus on work
- I straighten the sofas up and fold the blankets
- I clean my kitchen, put away dishes, and do any dishes that may have been forgotten
- Shower/Brush Teeth/Dress
- Grab a cup of water and take my vitamins
- I made a pot of coffee
- Get the kiddo his breakfast and water cup
- Set the kiddo up for his schoolwork
- Make myself something for breakfast
- Grab my to-do list and review it
- Go over my calendar to see what the day has in store
I am a full-time stay-at-home mom so I can’t go into an office and close the door for quiet time. My husband works odd hours and little Mr still needs help working on his computer for his few online classes, so complete quiet time isn’t really a thing here. But, being able to have even a mini routine in the morning helps my mommy brain focus on the tasks at hand once I sit down and start work.
Once I sit down to work I do a few more things to actually begin working
- I Lay out my notebook, pen, laptop, and planner so that I have all my to-do’s and deadlines available at my fingertips
- I check over my to-do list once more
- I open all my pages documents I’ll need, numbers files, google docs, etc. for the tasks I’m working on
- Lastly, and this is something I do when I REALLY have to focus, I start a movie that I can listen to through my one earbud in the background. I have a group of 4-5 movies I can put on, minimize, and listen to through my headphones that help keep me focused and working. Most people listen to music while they work and I totally encourage whatever works for you. However, I get distracted when I listen to music so Titanic, Arthur, Saving Mr. Banks, and Sister Act are my go-to background noise movies. Plus they are just good and enjoyable movies!
I certainly wouldn’t say that my method is ironclad, mom life will always take precedence. I am first and foremost a mommy and the only parent at home with my kiddo the majority of the time. But I am also diligent in my work when I use these processes to accomplish my day's work. I HIGHLY suggest The Miracle Morning to EVERYONE who is looking to get organized and more focused in their work day. I do caution you not to take it for verbatim because you ARE a MOMMY and your kiddos are your first priority. Adapt the techniques to help suit your own business needs.
I’d love to know if any of you have specific things you do to help get your work day going and progressive while the kiddos are present. Shoot me a message and tell me what works best for you I’d love to hear from you!
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