Map Out Your Business

Maybe you’re brand new to the business world, or maybe you’re a pro, either way, you must map out your business if you want to succeed. If you merely “wing it” from day to day or week to week you might just end up spinning your wheels and getting nowhere fast. I see this happening to those who just start and equally to those who have been in business for a while.
For those of you who know, being a full-time mom has its challenges. Let’s be real you’re not “on point” every single day; right? BUT when you have a plan you are more likely to stay focused on your overall goal. For me, when full on mommy mode kicks in I tend to forget what I was doing for work and dedicate all my attention to my kiddo. But those moments aren’t forever long. When I get back to my work I check my to-do list, I review my plan, and I dive back in so that I reach the goals I set out to achieve.
So how do you create/stick to a plan?
1. Grab your planner and map out your days/weeks/year!
First of all, if you don’t have a planner yet GET ONE!!! If you’re a serious paper planner momma then I absolutely recommend and loved my Erin Condren planner and I HIGHLY recommend them. I used an Erin Condren planner for well over 6 years before I went to a digital planner. I purchased other paper planners over time but when it came to pen and paper I ALWAYS end up buying an Erin Condren because mom and business life needs the organization! They have tons of space to get detailed, they have space for notes, and daily space for tasks. But, like I said, I went to a digital planner off Etsy to use with my tablet almost 4 years ago and honestly it was the best decision for our on the go lifestyle. BUT get whatever you KNOW will work best for you!
Now, back to planning. In a perfect world, you would sit down, plan out your tasks, crush your tasks, and be rolling in your business success with zero hiccups. BUUUUUTTTT you’re a mompreneur, you have things that need to be taken care for your family while running your business. Writing down what you need to achieve for each week based on your goals will help keep you focused and on track to reach each of your goals.
Now I say “write it down” I don’t mean start with your planner. Good grief you’d have whiteout everywhere while you’re making adjustments haha. I encourage you to outline everything in a notebook, on a piece of paper, in a digital document, or go buy a cheap $1 planner from the dollar store and map out your year like I teach my student in the Fill Your Calendar with Clients Course. Once you know what you have to do to reach your goals add it to your planner!
Having a planner full of tasks will keep you motivated and forward-focused on your goals.
2. List out what you want to accomplish in your business for the year.
Typically for someone starting out, I recommend focusing on four things for the year. The four things can all be related in some capacity. But there are 4 quarters to your year and in each 90-day cycle, you can focus on accomplishing a big task!
If you have been in business for a while you may focus on ONE project for the year and break down the tasks, per quarter. I’ll give you an example, for me from a few years back, I focused on fully booking out my 1:1 Coaching for the year. In each quarter I had a different focus that lead people to my programs and it looked something like this:
- Growing my YouTube channel - I always had great engagement when I posted videos but wanted to increase it more rapidly. I’d had several clients book from content they watched on my youtube. The first quarter was all about getting that channel out there and having people subscribe. While you’re here you should go check it out and hit the “subscribe” button 😉
- Triple my email list- I simply love talking to those on my email list. They are “my people” maybe you’re one of “my people” on my list already. I have amazing content to send your way each and every year! Things like lots of free info, business growth hacks, and ways to scale are coming your way. If you aren’t currently on my email list let’s get you there so you can take in all the free biz tips that are coming your way! Grab a FREE copy of “Standing Out Online” as a gift for signing up!
- Connect with mompreneurs on my Biz Page- I absolutely LOVE my Facebook business page. It has been my biggest income generator since the beginning of my business. Not only does it earn me income but it allows me to meet so many AMAZING mompreneurs that I wouldn’t have met anywhere else. If you haven’t visited my biz page you can check it out → Facebook Biz Page
- Promoting a past free training- Back then I had teamed up with a dozen other mompreneurs to bring some amazing free training to you. The training's were live in my FB group Successful Mom Entrepreneur I #MommiesOnAMission
All of those goals lead people to my 1:1 coaching programs. Now, I run a full-time business in less than 15 hours a week. I am a homeschooling mom. I take a lot of trips with my kiddo each week. I enjoy spending time with my family. So I always split my goals into quarters for the years so that I can reach them accordingly with minimal stress!
3. Set Deadlines
Now that you’ve mapped out everything I want you to go back and elaborate on each task. With each item elaborated on you can then set deadlines for each task. With a specific deadline in place for each item you can then add the deadlines to your planner to help keep you on track. Having a visual reminder of when things need to be done helps to keep you on track toward your goals.
For me, I NEED to have a visual of what tasks I'm actively working on in order to keep myself focused and moving forward. If you’re just starting out and this seems overwhelming I highly suggest that you start planning 90 days at a time. You can literally change your life in 90 days with hard work and persistence. I have a FREE 90 Success Planner for you to use as a mockup or as an outline for your year planning. —> 90 Day planner
4. Take Action
Once you figure out what you want to achieve you need a plan to MAKE IT HAPPEN! The easiest way to accomplish this is to sit down and create a list based on your deadlines. List your tasks on a to-do list in order of what needs to happen during your week. Your planner comes in handy here too. There are note sections in the Erin Condren planner where you can create to-do lists for each week. All of your deadlines and tasks are in one convenient place! Knowing what you need to do next helps to keep you on track.
Once you know what needs to be done simply jump in with both feet!!
Before You Let's Get Your Calendar Full NOW
Everything you need to know to Fill Your Calendar With Clients
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